Renown is a fungicide pre-mix recently labeled by Syngenta for use in the U.S. The active ingredients in Renown are azoxystrobin and chlorothalonil, which are the active ingredients in Heritage and Daconil fungicides respectively. When it comes to broad spectrum activity, you can't get much broader spectrum than both of these two active ingredients. Azoxystrobin is a QoI that is effective against a number of ascomycete, basidiomycete and oomycete pathogens. Chlorothalonil, as you all know, pretty much takes care of most foliar pathogens (including algae) but not foliar Pythiums.
Renown has a wide range of activity against a number of diseases including: algae, anthracnose, brown patch, copper spot, dollar spot, gray leaf spot, large patch, stem rust, stripe rust, southern blight, yellow patch, yellow spot, zoysia patch, leaf rust, leaf & sheath spot, melting out, Microdochium patch, pink patch, powdery mildew and red thread.
Because azoxystrobin is a systemic fungicide while chlorothalonil is a contact, the best use of Renown would be for foliar disease control. Also, if the product is applied in 2 gal water per thousand, that should also be enough to cover diseases that reside in the thatch, mat or upper root zone on closely mowed turf types (i.e. grees and tees). When targeting deep soil and root infecting pathogens like fairy rings, it may be better to use a different fungicide this purpose. Watering-in a Renown application to get soil activity from the azoxystrobin component could cause you to lose the benefit of the chlorothalonil for foliar disease control.
Renown comes as a suspo-emulsion formulation containing 0.32 lbs of azoxystrobin and 4.84 lbs of chlorothalonil per gallon. Use rates are 2.5 to 4.5 fl oz which is equivalent to 1 fl oz Heritage TL plus 2 fl oz Daconil Weatherstik and 1.8 fl oz Heritage TL plus 3.6 fl oz Daconil Weatherstik, respectively.
Renown has looked very good in our anthracnose and pretty good for dollar spot as you can see in the next few slides.

Two applications of Renown also appeared to be effective in controlling brown ring patch in 2008 trials in San Diego: archive.lib.msu.edu/tic/gcman/article/2009aug74.pdf
The benefit for using Renown would be in the control of multiple diseases where the combination of azoxystrobin and chlorothalonil would put you at a distinct advantage. For example, when leaf spots and brown patch are active at the same time, or gray leaf spot and Southern Blight, etc. There are some specific situations where using Renown would also make sense as described below.
Fungicide resistance. For certain diseases like anthracnose and gray leaf spot, where QoI-resistance is a problem, the pre-mix would be of an advantage. For both of these diseases, QoI-resistance has been a problem in a lot of locations, but the addition of chlorothalonil in the application would help control those resistant isolates. For other diseases, where QoI-resistance is not yet a problem, the mixture would aid in helping to delay resistance due to the dual mode of action.
Dollar spot. Although the WG formulation of Heritage is not particularly effective vs. dollar spot, it appears that the liquid TL formulation has better activity against the disease. The additional of chlorothalonil would help in controlling the disease. This would be valuable when there are other diseases like brown patch are active.
Non-DMI for summer disease control. Renown can pick up a lot of the mid- & late-summer diseases you would face on cool season and warm season turf like leaf & sheath spot, melting out, anthracnose, etc. Although highly effective, there can be times in the summer when a non-DMI would be advantageous for use in these situations.
Keep in mind that applications of Renown count towards the yearly limit of chlorothalonil use on turf. Each application contains 1.5 to 2.7 oz chlorothalonil, and recall that there is a 9.5 oz, 19.1 and 26.8 oz chlorothalonil per 1,000 sq ft yearly limit for roughs& fairways, tees, and greens, respectively.
Damn it's Cold on the West Coast
Although we're still a few weeks away from the official start of winter, it's been pretty damn cold in the West. Seattle got snow last week and Portland was pretty much frozen last Tuesday and Wednesday. Temps in the 50s-60s are present in much of the Golden State with below freezing night time temps being seen in the Central Valley.
Pink snow mold is likely to be coming in these cold wet conditions and so is freeze and winter damage.
Other than that, I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday! I'll see some of you in Portland this Thursday at the Oregon Pesticide Seminar.
Until then, signing off from the Right Coast....
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