On Monday I drove to one of our zoysia large patch study areas at a golf course about 90 minutes away. I had been kind of dreading it. I just have NOT been feeling ready for the field season.
But, it was a beautiful day and I realized that I'm pretty lucky that my job allows me to work outside (even though some of those days can get pretty long). The superintendent, assistant superintendent, and staff at this course have been fantastic trial hosts over the past few years.
The large patch was not "hot" yet, but near the study area there was a "shadow" of a patch that was there before (last year), and will probably become active again soon, maybe after this week's rains.
This is a small trial with 6 treatments and an untreated control, and I can share results later.
"Shadow patch"

Active patches like this, with orangey margins, should be coming soon:
"Landscape, with Tidy Cats Bucket and Truck" (my artwork for the day)

Bermudagrass is continuing to green up, too.
Here's our KSU football practice field (bermudagrass) on April 6:

April 16:

I would have taken another today, but it was pretty gloomy and rainy.
Fertility Legislation
I came across an article about fertilizer legislation in Virginia, New Jersey, and Washington:
Any comments from folks in those areas?
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