It is imperative to understand that this is not a permanent halt on PCNB distribution and sales. The company is seeking other alternatives within the legal system and it was emphasized in the aforementioned article that this issue is fluid. However, I do think it is important to think of an alternative to PCNB for this year. This is difficult situation because PCNB is a great snow mold product and it is inexpensive. I do think there are alternatives though. Not to beat a dead horse, but the best thing to do is to review our snow mold trials from this year.
One thing to consider is thiophanate methyl. This a.i. is frequently overlooked, but is an excellent snow mold product. Products such as Instrata and Interface have performed exceptionally well in our trials, but some course may have the budget to apply these to fairways. Mixtures of chlorothalonil, iprodione and propiconzole or chlorothalonil, iprodione and myclobutanil have performed well in our trials. Other a.i.'s that stand out are triticonazole (Trinity, BASF and Triton FLO, Bayer) and metconazole (Tourney Valent BioSciences). Unfortunately I do not know what these products cost, so my suggestion is to sit down with our reports and your local salesperson to figure out what will work for your course and budget.
This is rather unfortunate development for this year considering the condition of the economy. However, we here and willing to help develop solutions to this unfortunate situation. Please do not hesitate in contacting myself or the Turfgrass Diagnostic Lab if you need assistance!
Below are images of a non-treated control, a plot treated with Tourney and Chipco 26GT and a plot treated with chlorothalonil, iprodione, and propiconazole. These pictures were taken this year at Sentryworld Golf Course in Stevens Point, WI.
2 Responses to “Recent Developments Surrounding PCNB”
Thanks for keeping us all up to date on the situation as well as giving us a strong alternatives. Its a difficult situation and disappointing to those of us on a tight budget but like everything else, it will all work itself out in the end.
If these images are of snow mold damage, maybe I should site the Turf Disease Blog. I don't see any characteristic patches or rings in any of the images. The untreated control looks similar to the symptoms we observed in NW AR.
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