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No kind words for September
This time of year can be marked by extremes. The record lows are in the 40's, but there have been triple digit record highs almost all through September. Wild mood swings.
Fungicide trial
This year my PhD student Ken Obasa and I have been conducting a fungicide study on the putting green looking at a couple of fungicide programs, and a new product called Velista which should be released soon. All treatments are applied every two weeks. Velista is tested at 0.3 and 0.5 oz/1000. Here are the programs:
Program 1:
10 May Honor 1.1 oz
2 June Insignia SC .7 oz
17 June Spectro 90 5.75 oz
30 June Signature + Daconil 4 oz + 3.2 oz
14 July Insignia SC .7 oz
28 July Signature + Daconil 4 oz + 3.2 oz
11 Aug Chipco 26GT 4 oz
25 Aug Honor 1.1 oz
Program 2:
19 May Headway 3 oz
2 June Heritage TL 2 oz
17 June Spectro 90 5.75 oz
30 June Signature + Daconil 4 + 3.2 oz
14 July Heritage TL 2 oz
28 July Signature + Daconil 4 oz + 3.2 oz
11 Aug Chipco 26GT 4 oz
25 Aug Headway3 oz
Program 3:
19 May Disarm M 1 oz
2 June Disarm .36 oz
17 June Spectro 90 5.75 oz
30 June Signature + Daconil 4 + 3.2 oz
14 July Disarm .36 oz
28 July Signature + Daconil 4 + 3.2 oz
11 Aug Chipco 26GT 4 oz
25 Aug Disarm M 1 oz
Program 4:
19 May Tartan 2 oz
2 June Compass .25 oz
17 June Spectro 90 5.75 oz
30 June Signature + Daconil 4 + 3.2 oz
14 July Compass .25 oz
28 July Signature + Daconil 4 + 3.2 oz
11 Aug Chipco 26GT 4 oz
25 Aug Tartan 2 oz
We had a severe brown patch epidemic in early/mid August, and brown patch reached about 40% severity in the untreated plots. All the programs and the two Velista treatments held the disease to 0%.
Dollar spot pressure has been fairly low but with cooler temperatures I suspect it will flare up in the next week or two and probably though most of September. I’ll post some details later on.